How many of you have been working in Humanatic? Or should I say, have you heard about Humanatic? For those who are looking for a legitimate online job, then Humanatic is a must try!
Humanatic filters business phone calls to identify the best leads. The service is powered by live human reviewers who can recognize the caller's intent, the key element in qualifying a lead. Your task is to review calls and mark them according to their respective categories. Humanatic pays every Monday with a minimum amount of $ 10 in your account through Paypal. Thus, you must have a "Verified Paypal" account.
My experience in Humanatic is quite good and they are paying on time. I have just recently gone back to reviewing calls from half a year of inactivity. I was quite busy with my work and other hobbies XD. I am quite impressed with how this online work is expanding. Now, there are more categories available and you wouldn't run out of calls to review unlike the first time I joined here.
I also discovered that you can now review calls through your mobile phone! Great, isn't it? I have been hoping for this feature to happen and now it has! It's very convenient and easy to earn money while at home. :)
If you are looking for proofs, here are my screenshots:
If you are interested, here are the steps to join:
1. Make sure your PayPal is verified!
2. Go to and register!
3. In the referral code section of the application, enter my email address "" for the referral!
4. Be active. Earn and win bonuses through their incentive program. Remember: Quality is more important than quality.